Sports has always been an important part of the BGSU journalism program, from relentless coverage in the BG News to video packages on BG24 to the Bowling Green Radio Sports Organization (BGRSO) broadcasting more live sporting events than any other student-led organization in the country. As we continue to evolve into a converged news and content operation, it’s time for a rebrand. So please welcome the Falcon Media Sports Network. Intern Kelsi Case sat down to discuss the change with graduate student Brandon Loe, Falcon Media’s executive content director and junior Steve Iwanek, Falcon Media’s sports content director.

Falcon Media executive content director Brandon Loe did a shoot around with women’s basketball player Madison Parker after she broke the record for most games played.

Kelsi – Tell us about yourself.

Brandon – I’m from Michigan and a graduate student. I am currently the Executive Director of BGRSO and a sports broadcaster for Falcon Media.

Steve – I’m from South Amherst, Ohio and I am a third-year majoring in broadcast journalism with a minor in marketing, and I am currently the Sports content director for Falcon Media.

K – What made you want to pursue Sports broadcasting and journalism here at BGSU?

B – I began broadcasting sports at 14 for my hometowns high school football and basketball teams. I was a transfer student from Ball State, but I always have wanted to be in the sports world and cover things whether it be radio or print.

S – My high school did not have a TV program and sports have been a big part of my life and I wanted to make it a career path. The program at BG presented itself as a great opportunity and fit my needs for what I needed to be the most successful.

K – How did you come into the roles you hold at BGRSO?

B –  My junior year of undergrad I was named the executive director for BGRSO and my senior year I was fortunate enough to serve as both the Executive director of BGRSO and the sports content director of Falcon Media. My junior year was cut short due to covid impacting the sports world, but I had plenty of time to brainstorm how we can make this organization as professional and perfect as possible.

S –  I have been very involved in the program since starting school here and I was in constant pursuit of more. Many people recommended me for the job, and I was fortunate enough to get it. The accessibility and resources here at Falcon Media mean the sky is the limit, it all comes down to how bad you want it! Brandon built the foundation of BGRSO, and I am building the walls and ceilings and my successor just needs to put in the furniture.

K – You are going through a rebrand at BGRSO; can you give us some insight to what you are doing as an organization?

B – I was in Steven’s position two years ago during the peak of COVID and we were trying to figure out the best timing for everything such as a new name, new logo, and how can we draw in support from our alumni. We had a hard time being able to get to the games due to regulations, but we have been trying get things running and recently we have been successful, but we want to make sure that everything we are implementing stays in place. We want to be seen in relation with the Athletic department because we have so much to offer other than radio broadcasting and play-by-plays.

S– We recently changed our name, and our new logo is still in production. We were Bowling Green Radio Sports Organization (BGRSO) but we are now Falcon Media Sports Network (FMSN). We are a network, and we have more to offer than just sports broadcasting, and our goal is to be more than just names heard on the radio. We have many students working at FMSN that are not in the SMC or journalism majors. Many students outside of sports broadcasting are a part of our organization. They carry a passion for sports so it brings in a lot of new faces and different perspectives other than the journalism view.

K – With the rebrand happening, how do you plan on engaging current BG students to alumni?

B –  We want to let our alumni know what is happening withing the organization they were apart of and to let them know that it is still here and be able to hear their stories about their career in journalism as well as sports broadcasting. We know some of our alumni are still in the sports field, but we would like to connect their real-world experiences and obstacles to our students, so they have an understanding what to expect outside of the classroom. 

S – It starts with connections and getting people with experience to connect to our students. We love when our alumni come back and give us a look into what they do. They can give us the tools and share the experiences that they have had to give us a better understanding of what to expect after college.

K – How can the alumni help Falcon Media Sports Network?

B – We would be honored to have them share their experiences with us but not just within FMSN but with all aspects of the journalism department. We want to hear their stories and have them pass their knowledge onto us. I hope that one day we can have a Sports Media Major here at BGSU and alumni are a great way to help us achieve that goal! There is a big alumni base out there and we want to see more of them here to show that we have the numbers to make it happen.

S – I hope to be able to create a bridge between our students and our alumni. I want to share their experiences in the field while connecting them back to BG students because they have ties to our organization and what it once was. I want to let them know that there is always a place for them back at BG and their input is wanted. They can help in many ways other than donating.

Falcon Media sports content director Steve Iwanek interviews the BG student behind SpongeBob SquarePants, who became a celebrity during the Cleveland Guardians’ playoff run this past summer.