Interviewed by Falcon Media intern Kelsi Case

Meet this upcoming semesters BG News editor-in-Chief Makenna Flores. Flores, a third-year Public Relations major from Genoa, Ohio gives us a look into her life at Falcon Media, and what she hopes to do in her new title.

Makenna Flores takes over as the BG News Editor-in-Chief in August but has already started working on plans for her year in the role.

Tell me about yourself (major, minor, hometown)

I am a third-year with a Public Relations major with an Advertising minor. I am from Genoa, Ohio, about 35 minutes north of BG and 20 minutes east of Toledo. 

What made you want to pursue public relations?

If I’m honest, I switched my major pretty last minute before starting college. I always knew I wanted to do something with writing and with the age of technology taking over, I also found a special interest in social media and campaigning. When looking at the specializations for journalism, I thought PR would be the best route for what I envisioned myself going for in the future, as well as what would suit my personality. 

What experiences have you had at Falcon Media that can transfer over into the editor title?

Being Managing Editor for the BG News, I have learned how to effectively edit articles, look for any AP style mistakes and become even more comfortable with the stylebook’s rules, create a comfortable and inviting environment with the reporters that make them feel like they can come to me for help, learn the ins and outs of newspaper layout, as well as find and make interesting and newsworthy stories out of what might otherwise not be newspaper worthy. These are all skills that I can transfer over into the editor title, and I hope that I can continue to work on as I move forward with Falcon Media. 

How has working in student media helped your skills? 

Working in student media has not only opened doors for me professionally but helped me personally. Being a reporter and then Managing Editor, I have learned how to approach people and come out of my shell a little more. I was a relatively shy person who couldn’t converse with people I didn’t know, but with this experience, it has forced me to put myself out there and create relationships with people. Not only has it made me become more outgoing, I have truly learned what it means to work in a newsroom and be an effective reporter. Sure, the classes have helped me, but having that real-world experience has helped me so much more. It has also taught me how to become a leader and get things done without losing the passion and fun that comes into joining Falcon Media. 

What goals or plans do you have in mind when you take the position in the fall?

While being editor, I hope that I can incorporate more investigative journalism into our pieces while still having a proper balance of soft news for those who may be dipping their toes into the world of journalism. I also want to have more interconnectivity with the newspaper and the other branches of Falcon Media. 

How can our alumni help out Falcon Media and the BG news organization? 

Alumni can help Falcon Media and the BG News organization by making their presence known in a much larger scale. What I mean by this is potentially come into our meetings and share their experiences and advice to the reporters, as well as creating relationships with them that could potentially lead to collaboration on deeper story pieces. 

What do you hope to achieve after college? 

After college, I hope to jump into the workforce, either in public relations or entertainment journalism. I am tossed between nonprofit work and the entertainment industry (two vastly different worlds), but I know with more time at BGSU and meeting new professors with different backgrounds, I will find the right direction for me.