Since you’re reading this, you likely fall into one of two categories – you’re a veteran of BGSU student media who returns to campus on a somewhat regular basis or you’re a veteran of BGSU student media who hasn’t been back for quite some time. Whichever group you belong two, you fall into this category – you should be at Homecoming (Sept. 21-24) this year.

There are a lot of reasons to come back to campus for the annual celebration but our students have become adept at boiling things down to a Falcon Four, so here are your Falcon Four Reasons To Attend Homecoming 2023.

First, catch up with fellow alumni. Well, of course, Homecoming is the best time to connect with the folks you spent so much time with while you were on campus. But it’s also a great networking opportunity. As Falcon Media encompasses everything from the BG News to WBGU-FM to BG24 to Falcon Radio (we’re looking at you, WFALers), to social media to Falcon Communications (and therefore PR majors) to all the great designers we’ve had over the years, you’ll connect with professionals at all levels of experience across countless industries.

Second, meet some of the students. Our students want to meet you. One of the most consistent messages I’ve gotten from students over the past few years is that they want to meet more alumni, they want to hear your stories, they want to know where your BGSU experience has taken you. What a great opportunity!

Third, learn more about what we’re up to at student media. In addition to the convergence of Falcon Media outlets, the changes continue and we continue to elevate the work we’re doing. Not only are our students aspiring to do more and better work, they are creating plans to not only get it done but do so in a manner that sets us up for success down the road. It really is an exciting time here in the Michael and Sara Kuhlin Center. In addition to catching up Saturday, we’ll be looking for you the Friday before or maybe the Sunday following to come visit and have a look around.

Don’t miss your chance to be immortalized by Don Lee.

Fourth, get immortalized by ’87 alum Don Lee. Homecoming is built on tradition and we have one of our own – Don Lee will once again set up his easel and share his tremendous caricature skills. Have a seat and get a keepsake (or two).

As we do every year, we’ll share a tent with the School of Media & Communication so you’ll have a place to chill out, connect with faculty, staff, alumni, and students on game day. We’re also working on gatherings for Friday and Sunday, so there will be plenty of time to share stories and make new memories.

This year, the university will be celebrating 100 years of the Falcon Marching Band, so you can rest assured, it will be a good time. Get the details on Homecoming here. Oh, and once you make your plans, please let us know you are coming so we can keep you up-to-date on all the exciting plans – just drop an email and we’ll keep you in the loop.

In the meantime, Ay Ziggy Zoomba and Roll Along!